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Up-Word mailings…

  • Sales-led, highly targeted creative approach
  • Effective, persuasive messaging
  • Focused on audiences and end-user benefits
  • Strategic approach
  • Native English-speaking writers
  • UK- or US-English
  • Impeccable grammar
  • Unlimited revisions
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Mailings help your business catch and convince important and relevant people…

How can you get the decision makers that really matter to take an interest in your products, services and solutions? Indeed, what’s the most cost-efficient way of delivering compelling, targeted messages?

The answer is through direct mailings. Writing a letter remains one of the most powerful ways of getting someone excited about what you offer (…or email, or LinkedIn InMail, or whatever – there may be important differences but there’s far more that unites them).

With mailings, you can write directly to named people that are interested in your offering. You can tailor your message to their job role so that you write something that’s relevant to them. That gives you a far greater prospect of success than any other form of advertising.

Also, you can go into as much detail with your mailing as you think appropriate. If you simply want to drive a senior person to download an ebook from your website, for example, you might send just a brief, benefits-led email. Alternatively, if you’re communicating with an operational person, you may write a longer message and explain some of the details of why your solution should be of interest to them.

Create interest in your business benefits…

At Up-Word, we think that mailings are an opportunity to have some real fun and also sell your business.

An effective email will use its subject line, message headline and opening paragraph to disrupt your readers’ indifference. It should dramatize your benefits, just like a good advert, but using words only.

You need to connect with readers on a human level. Helpfully explain their challenges in terms they can relate to. Show them you get it. Be impartial and objective. And, crucially, be interesting.

Never start off a mailing by talking about yourself or telling the reader what you do (…as some social media templates recommend). They won’t care initially. You first have to earn their interest by talking credibly about them and their problem.

Indeed, you have to structure your mailings very carefully so that they capture the reader’s interest immediately and keep them reading until the end.

People are so used to receiving dreadful emails nowadays that you have an amazing opportunity to stand out. Also, many businesses use pre-built templates for InMail that are so poor you can do much better. And offline mailings are now so rare that, for relatively low cost, you might achieve fantastic results.

Include a strong call to action…

Part of what makes mailings so powerful is that you can tell the reader exactly what you want them to do and what they’ll get out of it.

It might just be to visit a website or download an ebook. Alternatively, it might be to pick up the phone or physically go somewhere. Whatever it is, you need to make sure that the reader can see and will understand the call to action. Then you need to make it as easy as possible for them to do.

Forget convention on brevity…

There’s much accepted thinking among marketers that mailings should always be brief (…typically ‘250 words max’ say many briefs). Yet, there’s a great deal of evidence proving long copy achieves greater success than short copy. As adman Howard Luck Gossage said, ‘nobody reads ads – people read what interests them’, so if you have something interesting to say don’t cut it short unless there’s a good reason to.

Be relentless…

Ask any salesman and they’ll tell you that, in most cases, nobody takes their call the first half-dozen times they contact a business. When they finally get through to someone, they’re rarely interested – not initially. And it’s only when they get to their third or fourth contact, months later, that they might start having fruitful conversations.

It’s exactly the same with mailings. You have to build familiarity and trust. You want to be the first business that people think of when they encounter the problem you can solve. So you need to keep sending interesting and helpful mailings that people choose to read.

The joy of emails is that they’re so much easier and less expensive to send out to large audiences than making sales calls, and they also leave a lasting reminder of what you offer.

Only use up-to-date mailing lists…

Your mailings can only be as effective as the lists you send them to. Writing to out-of-date lists is a waste of time, as some of your messages will fail to reach anyone, and others may show you in a poor light by saying something that’s not relevant.

You should therefore maintain up-to-date, opted-in mailing lists that you use, add to and clean regularly.

Send out newsletters…

Regular newsletters to existing customers are a great way of promoting your wider range of products and services, and their applications.

Save time and headaches…

Up-Word can provide everything you need to plan your mailings over time, for all your different audiences, and also write compelling messages that drive strong responses.

Schedule a free, no-obligation call…

Have an informal chat about your objectives and find out more about how you can benefit.

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